Saturday, 24 November 2012

Christmas Writing Pack and Cyber Monday Sale

I just finished a Christmas Writing Pack. Like honestly, minutes ago. I really wanted to make a packet with a Christmas story in it, but there are so many rules now about copyright, that I was afraid if I used one of my favourite Christmas stories in my packet, I might break a copyright rule. So, I wrote a story myself, which means I can do anything I want with it. And so I did. Do anything I want with it, I mean. In the pack, there is story sequencing and writing and creative writing and reindeer riddles. My kids need story sequencing practice, especially when it comes to the writing end of it. They are okay with the actual telling part of the re-tell, but as soon as I say - write that down, they panic. So, we're working on it.
If it's something you think you can use, I'll give it away to the first 4 people who leave a comment.

If you're looking for Christmas Centers, my friend Corinna at Teaching Fabulous Firsties has a great pack she just finished also. It is amazing!  Just click on the Santa to have a peek at it.

As for the sale, it starts on Monday. Remember to use code CMT12. I am loving this graphic for the sale! It's thanks to Ashley Hughes, you can check her out here and in her TPT store here
Happy Shopping!


  1. I still haven't got my kiddos excited about writing. It's definitely one of my teacher short comings! :-(

  2. I've been waiting for this! I can definitely use this with my kiddos!

  3. Adorable! Gosh, is there anything I can say about how great you are that I haven't already mentioned? You are wonderful! :)

    Thanks for the shout out. You're so sweet!
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

  4. This looks awesome! I love your work!
